In collaboration with volunteers and neighbors, we track local fauna through the use of camera traps distributed around the land (more than 3000 hectares, approximately, are covered).

Thanks to this program, we could confirm the presence of more than twenty species of mammals in the area whose preservation is an imperative both nationally and internationally.

We have found abundant presence of:

  • Forest fox (Cerdocyon Thous)
  • Brown brocket (Mazama Gouazoubira)
  • Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus Novemcinctus)
  • Skunk
  • Margay (Leopardus Wiedii)
Since the beginning of the program, we have more than 5000 photographic and video records of mammals.

This program is supported by:


We also have records of:

  • Seven-banded armadillo (Dasypus Septemcinctus)
  • South American raccoon (Procyon Crancrivorus)
  • Neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis)
  • Big hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus Villosus)
  • White-eared opossum (Didelphis Albiventris)
  • Grey pampean fox (Lycalopex Gymnocercus)
  • Geoffroy’s cat (Leopardus Geoffroyi)
  • Lesser grison (Galictis Cuja)
  • Capybara (Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris)


In Uruguay, just the existence of five species of felines has been confirmed within which Geoffroy’s cat (Leopardus Geoffroyi) and Margay (Leopardus Wiedii) have been identified around the East Hills.

For this reason, we regard this program as capital to preserve both species because they are considered “umbrella species”; in other words, their presence means a healthy environment as both felines play a predator role par excellence in the ecosystem.

This program was declared of national interest by the DINAMA (the Environment Office in Uruguay) in 2017.

In 2018 Ambá started to work together with the Biological Research Institute Clemente Estable in the framework of an investigation that will allow us to estimate the amount of the aforementioned species in our area as well as obtaining samples for genetic studies and deepening on the behavior and ecosystem of the Margay.

So far, we have more than 150 photographic records thanks to the use of camera traps around the Rocha Hills.

This program is supported by:


Yerba Mate (Ilex Paraguayensis) is a jungle tree and in Uruguay it usually grows within the woods’ gores. Its presence is a sign of mature and healthy wood.

We work to preserve the yerba mate plantations along the East Hills which demands us to constantly recover woods’ gores. The Rocha and Maldonado hills represent the southernmost distribution of this species.

During 2018, together with the East branch of the University of the Republic in Uruguay, we created a record of nine register points of yerba mate plantations in the East Hills.

So far, we have seeded more than 600 exemplars of yerba mate and other native fruit species.


Since 2016, we have undertaken the task to provide information about the birds in the Rocha Hills.

As a result of this work, we could identify more species in this area according to the current bibliography related to bird watching in this part of Uruguay.

So far, more than 130 bird species have been registered in the hills.


Environmental Education is a fundamental tool to strengthen our bond with nature.

Therefore, we work with children that attend local schools as well as with those who come from other places around the country.

Since 2016, we carry out different workshops to teach and promote our preservation and regeneration mission.

By now, we have carried out more than 30 school lessons about nature.


In Ambá we strive to recover and preserve the Woods in the Rocha Hills. This task involves a slow process if we attempt at recovering the wood entirely.

Since the beginning of Ambá we have worked with more than 100 volunteers.
Due to their support, we have recovered more than 5 hectares of native wood by eliminating invading and foreign vegetable species.
Currently, we take care of more than 600 native trees we have planted to collaborate to the recovery process.

This program is supported by:

Bombas Lesa